Illegal Parking, 6,659 Vehicles in S. Jakarta Netted

Tuesday, January 30th 2024 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 316

Selama 2023, Ribuan Kendaraan Langgar Aturan Parkir di Jaksel Ditindak

(Foto: Andri Widiyanto)

The South Jakarta Transportation Sub-agency took action against 6,659 vehicles in 2023 due to illegal parking.

We're taking action to give them a deterrent effect

According to Bernard Octavianus, Sub-agency Head of South Jakarta Transportation, controlling and monitoring roads and sidewalks from parking lots was conducted to prevent traffic jams, create public order, and improve the beauty and neatness of the city.

"We're taking action to give them a deterrent effect. Don't let the use of roads and sidewalks be disrupted, because of illegal parking," he expressed, Tuesday (1/30).

Of 6,659 vehicles netted, 3,899 cars were towed, 2,100 motorcycles' tires were deflated, 228 cars' tires were deflated, three-wheeled vehicles' tires were deflated, and 429 motorcycles were grounded.

"Every day, we deploy 40 joint personnel assisted by the army (TNI) and police to 10 sub-districts, including 12 units of operational agency vehicles, and three were grounded," he explained.

According to him, the sanction refers to Law Number 22/2009 on Traffic and Public Transportation, Bylaw Number 5/2012 on Parking, and Number 3/2012 on Regional Levies.

"Illegal parking perpetrators will be subject to a fine by Ro 500,000," he explained.

He urged vehicle owners should always pay attention to signs or road markings regarding parking restrictions.

"Pointly, drivers or vehicle owners must respect each other. Don't park your vehicle in a place that violates the rules," he stated.

Here is the information for vehicles affected by illegal parking:

- Redeem the vehicle by paying a fine by Rp 500,000

- Vehicle owners who do not immediately pay the fine will be subject to multiple fines

- To find out the location of the car and information on the amount of the fine that must be paid, the vehicle owner can send an SMS to 0857 9920 0900 with the format "parking (space) vehicle registration number"

- Afterward, the vehicle owner will receive an SMS back containing the virtual account number, total fine, vehicle type, and vehicle location

- Virtual account number in the SMS can be used to pay fine bills at the nearest Bank DKI office or ATM, such as ATM Bersama and ATM Prima

- Proof of payment is taken to the car park and handed over to the officer

- Officer will check proof of payment and provide (Vehicle Release Letter (SPK)

- Hand over SPK to officer and vehicle can be redeemed

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