Pasar Jaya Commits to Maintain Sustainability and Economic Growth

Friday, January 26th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 643

 Pasar Jaya Kerja Sama Tripartit Penyaluran Kredit Pembelian HPTU

(Foto: Istimewa)

Perumda Pasar Jaya together with PT Bank DKI and PT Rapik Karya Mandiri, signed a tripartite cooperation regarding the distribution of credit facilities for the purchase of business premises usage rights (HPTU) in the U-Shape Building Block A-H at the Kramat Jati Main Market. This collaboration is deemed important in order to maintain sustainability and economic growth.

This is an important step in supporting the local economy

Public Relations Manager, Agus Lamun said this collaboration is clear evidence of the commitment of Perumda Pasar Jaya and the parties involved in market development, including credit facility providers, traders, and authorities who have an important role in maintaining the sustainability and growth of the local economy.

"This is an important step in supporting the local economy, creating jobs and strengthening the economy of local communities," he expressed, Friday (1/26).

Through this credit facility, he revealed, traders at the Kramat Jati Main Market will have easier access to purchase rights to use business premises, thus it will support business development for the traders themselves.

"Hopefully, with strong cooperation, traders will be increasingly successful in their businesses, and that this market will continue to develop as a vital trading center for the local community," he concluded.

Previously, Perumda Pasar Jaya had also submitted documents for extending business premises usage rights (PPTU), business premises usage permits (SIPTU), and business premises usage rights certificates (SHPTU) to the U-Shape Block A Los A-H building at Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta, Thursday (1/25).

It is recorded that 2,188 business premises are located in the U-Shape Block A Los A-H building, 308 of which have processed PPTU, SIPTU, and SHPTU.

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