Channels on Jalan Brawijaya I Being Normalized

Tuesday, February 4th 2025 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 137

Saluran Air di Jalan Brawijaya I Dinormalisasi

(Foto: Tiyo Surya Sakti)

The water channel located on Jalan Brawijaya I, RT 04/02, Polo Urban Village is being normalized to prevent flooding when it rains.

Hopefully, the weather is on our side, thus we can finish it in three weeks

Kebayoran Baru Water Resources (SDA) Executing Head, Sutopo said the normalization of channels is an effort to prevent flooding around the area.

"This is also a proposal from the residents submitted to the local government and forwarded to us," he expressed, Tuesday (2/4).

He explained the channel repairs and dredging were also conducted at the location. It involved ten personnel and one excavator.

"As for the channel construction, we use an U-ditch measuring 80 x 80 centimeters. Hopefully, the weather is on our side, thus we can finish it in three weeks," he explained.

Pulo Urban Village Head, Sumarni uttered the channel normalization on Jalan Brawijaya I could be a solution to prevent flooding, especially during heavy rainfall.

"The area around the channel will later be beautified with greenery," she stated.

She urged the residents to always maintain environmental cleanliness by not littering, including in the channels.

"I also request that there be no people selling or trading on this channel," she uttered.

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