Commission D and LH Agency Discuss Waste Retribution Implementation

Tuesday, February 4th 2025 Reporter: Dessy Suciati Translator: Maria Inggita 117

Komisi D-Dinas LH Bahas Penerapan Retribusi Sampah

(Foto: Dessy Suciati)

Jakarta Representatives Council (DPRD) Commission D held a meeting with Environment (LH) Agency to discuss the implementation of waste retribution as stipulated in Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 1/2024 on Regional Tax and Retribution. 

"I hope this cooperation will run effectively to make waste management better,"

Commission D Chairperson, Yuke Yurike assessed that the application of waste retribution for households needs to be reviewed by considering the current economic conditions.

"Commission D recommends to postpone it for households, for residential houses, until it is really ready," she stated at Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday (2/4).

She requested Jakarta LH Agency to intensify waste retribution policy socialization and increase people's awareness towards waste management.

"We suggest you to concentrate on socializing and improving waste management at RW level, activating waste banks, and mentoring," she expressed.

She supported efforts to reduce waste from the source, among others through waste bank. Therefore, LH Agency needs to reactivate waste banks throughout Jakarta and prepare all the facilities needed.

"We can also help socialize it because the real purpose of this Perda is to increase public awareness. If people can actively reduce waste from the source, their retribution will be also reduced or maybe annulled," she conveyed.

According to her, waste retribution for other sectors, such as industry, can still applied because it is considered very necessary. Besides, the amount of retribution for this sector is also not too large.

She appreciated the cooperation between LH Agency and third parties in managing waste.

"I hope this cooperation will run effectively to make waste management better," she asserted.

Meanwhile, Jakarta LH Agency Head, Asep Kuswanto explained that waste retribution is intended to reduce the amount of waste and promote waste management from the source.

"People are invited to care the environment by reducing waste, managing waste from the source or home. That's the point. So, it is mandatory that people reduce their waste by becoming waste bank members," he stated.

If the implementation of waste retribution is postponed, he added, his party will focus more on improving socialization related to the implementation of waste retribution and hearing inputs from the community.

"We do realize that it takes time to socialize it to the community," he mentioned.

According to him, LH Agency will prepare the required facilities, including building waste banks in 870 RWs and reactivating 852 waste banks in Jakarta.

"For RWs that don't have waste material, we will try to make them build waste banks. Later, we will reactivate waste banks that need to be reactivated," he closed.

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