City Secretary Marullah Inaugurates the Newly Renovated Jakarta DWP Office

Friday, January 17th 2025 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Maria Inggita 175

Sekda Marullah, Apresiasi Peresmian Gedung Dharma Wanita Persatuan Provinsi DKI Jakarta

(Foto: Nugroho Sejati)

Jakarta Secretary, Marullah Matali inaugurated the Jakarta Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Office that has been revitalized.

"DWP's role is very important,"

This inauguration was also attended by Jakarta DWP Chairperson, Komariah Marullah; DPD Senator, Happy Djarot; Jakarta PPAPP Agency Head, Mochamad Miftahullah Tamary; and Jakarta BPAD Head, Faisal Syafruddin.

Marullah expressed his congratulations and appreciation for the completion of the newly renovated Jakarta DWP Office.

According to him, the office is not only a symbol of physical activities, but also a shared home, the place where DWP member works, innovate, and inspire.

"Hopefully this building can be a center of activities that can make a positive contribution to the organization, members, and the wider community," he stated at Jakarta DWP Office, Nyi Agency Serang Building, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Friday (1/17).

He thanked all parties who had worked hard in this renovation process, both DWP administrators and partners from government and private sector.

As an organization that accommodates the wives of State Civil Apparatus (ASN), he added, Jakarta DWP has a strategic role in supporting government programs, especially related to women empowerment, family strengthening, and social contribution.

"DWP's role is very important, I encourage the planned work programs to be implemented by involving various elements of society and taking advantage of partnership opportunities through corporate social responsibility (CSR)," he said.

Through collaboration with community and private sector, he continued, it will not only widen the scope of benefits, but also create a more significant impact.

"I believe that Jakarta DWP will be able to be a bridge between the needs of the community and the development programs that we implement in Jakarta," he conveyed.

He invited all DWP administrators and members to make this momentum as the first step to build closer and more sustainable collaboration.

"Behind every dedicated ASN, there is tremendous support from the family, especially the wife who accompanies them. Therefore, DWP members' contribution in building prosperous families is indirectly part of building a better city," he explained.

Meanwhile, Jakarta DWP Chairperson, Komariah Marullah said, the renovation of the office with a capacity of 150 people was carried out for four months, from September to December 2024.

"Hopefully this new building will improve DWP's performance in running work programs," she stated.

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