N. Jakarta Administration Investigates Smelly Water in Kamal River

Friday, January 17th 2025 Reporter: Anita Karyati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 199

Pemkot Jakut Telusuri Penyebab Kali Kamal Berbau Tak Sedap dan Berbusa

(Foto: Istimewa)

The North Jakarta City administration is investigating the cause of the water in the Kamal River, Kamal Muara Urban Village, Penjaringan Sub-district becoming foamy and smelling bad.

Don't throw waste into the river, especially chemical or B3 waste

North Jakarta Deputy Head, Juani Yusuf said teams from the Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency and the Environment Sub-agency had been deployed to make investigations.

"We check the surrounding location and upstream areas for possible factories or residents dumping waste into the river," he expressed, Friday (1/17).

He asserted the foam and unpleasant odor came from factory and household waste, so action must be taken and sanctions must be given to the perpetrators.

"Don't throw waste into the river, especially chemical or B3 waste," he explained.

He urged the public and business owners to take responsibility for preserving the environment.

"If rivers throughout North Jakarta are clean, clear, and odorless, people will also feel comfortable. Let's protect our environment," he added.

North Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head, Ahmad Syaiful asserted the foamy and smelly water was not from the Kali Kamal Pump House but came when the pump's waste water fell into the river and came out like foam.

"Maybe upstream there is a factory that dumps chemical waste or the like, so far the source has not been found, we're still investigating," he uttered.

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