Friday, January 17th 2025 Reporter: Dessy Suciati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 359
(Foto: Istimewa)
Jakarta City Council Commission D Chairwoman, Yuke Yurike, warned the public regarding the prohibition on illicit waste burning regulated in Bylaw Number 4/2019 on Waste Management.
Very important to increase public awareness
According to her, burning waste in residential areas causes air pollution and health problems, and is prone to triggering fires.
"Very important to increase public awareness through a sustainable and regulation-based approach," she expressed, Friday (1/17).
She asserted the bylaw must keep being socialized through socialization at RT/RW level, campaigns on social media, and community-based education. It must be held massively by involving the community.
"It can be effective in changing people's behavior if it is done in a planned, consistent and based on local needs," she explained.
To solve it effectively, there must be strong collaboration between.
The government could facilitate various waste management programs, such as training in processing organic waste, and making crafts from non-organic waste.
"This can be done by forming community-based waste management groups or encouraging waste bank initiatives," she continued.
She also prompted the government to increase public access to waste processing facilities, such as adding waste processing sites and organic waste processing facilities.
Aside that, there needed to be additional separate trash bins in each area, to facilitate people to sort their trash.
"The government must strengthen enforcement of regulations about the prohibition of burning waste with a humanist approach, including providing alternative solutions such as providing more routine waste collection services," she closed.