Archiving Workshop Participated by 160 People

Thursday, September 19th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Rizky Mawardi 247

Dispusip DKI Gelar Workshop Kearsipan

(Foto: Nurito)

Jakarta Library and Archive Agency held archiving workshop, Thursday (9/19), at a hotel on Jalan R Soeprapto, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

 archives need to be maintained and taken care

The activity opened by Jakarta Library and Archive Agency Head, Firmansyah, was participated by 160 people from BUMD, mass organization, PKK cadres, and so on.

Firmansyah said, this workshop is to remind all parties about the importance of archives in an institution or individual. Therefore, archives need to be maintained and cared for.

"Archives are part of authentic evidence of what each institution and individual has done. Therefore, archives need to be maintained and taken care," he said.

He added that civilization in Jakarta from year to year also needs to be archived. Because, it can be authentic evidence for the reference framework to formulate future development patterns of each organization.

"Authentic evidence must be preserved, archived and managed properly as a source of information for the next generation to build Jakarta," he added.

One of the participants, Renaldi Setiawan who is also an archive manager at PT Jakarta Propertindo, admitted happy to attend the workshop. He gained more knowledge to run his activity as archive manager.

"Hopefully we can manage archives well, effectively and efficiently," he admitted.

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