Dahlia Farmer Group Harvests 42 Kilograms of Sweet Potatoes

Monday, September 9th 2024 Reporter: Anita Karyati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 395

Poktan Dahlia RW 11 Tanjung Priok Panen 42 Kilogram Ubi Jalar

(Foto: Anita Karyati)

The Dahlia Farmer Group (Poktan), Tanjung Priok Sub-district, North Jakarta has managed to harvest 42 kilograms of sweet potatoes from urban farming land on Jalan Kampung Muara Bahari, RT 01/11, Tanjung Priok Urban Village.

This is proof of the community's seriousness in maintaining food security

Dahlia Poktan Chairman, Titis Herlianto said the previously used agricultural land was not maintained and became a garbage dump.

"We have cleared this land and used it as productive land since two years ago," he expressed, Monday (9/9).

He explained the Dahlia Poktan was made six months ago with 20 members.

"This is proof of the community's seriousness in maintaining food security and helping health, especially for stunted toddlers," he explained.

He expressed his gratitude to the urban villages, districts, and other regional apparatus organizations (OPDs) that supported urban farming.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), many residents have felt the benefits of the results of this land. Hopefully, what we are doing can be an example for other communities," he hoped.

The harvest above received appreciation from Tanjung Priok Sub-district KPKP Executing Unit Head, Milya Purnamasari.

"This sweet potato has many benefits, with its high carbohydrate content. The harvested purple sweet potato will be resold for Rp 5,000 per kilogram and some will be distributed to members," she explained.

On this 250-square-meter urban farming land, there are also various other plants such as eggplant, chili, cassava, papaya, melon, and so on.

"There is also Glutinous Corn that was planned for planting by the Mayor of North Jakarta and has borne fruit and is satisfactory. This farmer group activity can help make the food security program in Jakarta a success," she closed.

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