S. Jakarta TP PKK Turns Textile Waste into Goods of Economic Value

Friday, May 31st 2024 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 519

TP PKK Jaksel Buat Limbah Tekstil Jadi Barang Bernilai Ekonomis

(Foto: Tiyo Surya Sakti)

The South Jakarta Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (TP PKK)'s Working Group (Pokja) III, made pots from used textile waste in the Taman Jangkrik Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), Ciganjur Urban Village, Jagakarsa Sub-district.

Waste can be converted into goods with high use and sales value

South Jakarta TP PKK's Pokja III Chairwoman, Nunun Mukhlisin said it was aimed at helping the government overcome the waste problem in Jakarta.

"As we know, waste is a big problem, especially if it is not handled properly. With creative and innovative ideas, waste can be converted into goods with high use and sales value," she expressed, Friday (5/31).

She explained items that could be used to make flower pots were unused jeans, burlap sacks, used towels, and used thick cloth.

The process of making this pot was also not too complicated because she got assistance from the South Jakarta Environment Sub-agency.

"They taught that later these used textile materials would be shaped according to their wishes using only a cement mixture," she explained.

By doing so, it could provide more benefits, especially from an economic perspective and those who took part in the training could disseminate their knowledge to the community.

"The items they value are just waste, but if they are processed properly they can become a fortune in the future," she added.

The activity received appreciation from Taman Jangkrik RPTRA Caretaker, Ciganjur Urban Village, Ratna.

Moreover, the speaker's teaching in training or techniques for processing textile waste into goods of economic value was very easy to understand.

"It's simple to make, so we can also do training here with the women around the RPTRA later. When it's finished, we can sell it together," she closed.

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