Dinsos - UNJ Holds Entrepreneurship Training for Jakpreneurs

Friday, May 31st 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 245

 Dinsos - UNJ Adakan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan bagi Jakpreneur

(Foto: Istimewa)

The Jakarta Social Agency (Dinsos) in collaboration with the Culinary Education Study Program, Jakarta State University (UNJ), held skills training for trained business actors (Jakpreneur). It was participated by 60 participants from five administrative city areas.

It can give higher value to the products sold

The material presented was making variations of fried bread products, variations of processed meat, and variations of processed chicken. It involved professional speakers, as well as practitioners and academics who work in the field of culinary or culinary arts and food service management.

Jakarta Dinsos Head, Premi Lasari stated this training aimed to provide business skills in the culinary field.

"It can give higher value to the products sold, starting from any innovation or idea. For instance, processed meat is made frozen, who knows, you could become a first-hand supplier," he expressed, Friday (5/31).

They also received business equipment assistance to help MSMEs develop their businesses. The assistance given was in the form of cooking utensils, stoves, mixers, ovens, blenders, two-tier pans, pans, basins, baking sheets, sodettes, and plastic wrapping.

He hoped that it could push the enthusiasm of MSMEs assisted by the Dinsos to keep innovating in running their businesses in order to build quality and competitive products.

"The main thing is that when you come home from here, hopefully, they can immediately put your knowledge into practice at home, and the help you get will be useful for the business you are running," he stated.

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