22 Companies Enliven Career Day at Sahid SMK

Thursday, May 30th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 213

 22 Perusahaan Ramaikan Carier Day di SMK Sahid

(Foto: Nurito)

Some 22 companies and 15 well-known private universities enlivened Career Day or job fair at Vocational High School (SMK) Sahid, Jalan H. Baping, Susukan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, Thursday (5/30).

This is very useful in supporting Jakarta's program

The Carrer Day was opened by the East Jakarta Education Region 2 Sub-agency Head, Yanto, and was marked with the beating of a drum. Representatives of urban villages and sub-districts attended it, including the Jakarta Education Agency (Disdik), East Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency (Nakertransgi), and other related units. There were also bazaars occupied by 20 SMEs from Ciracas Sub-district PPKUKM Executing Unit.

East Jakarta Education Region 2 Sub-agency Head, Yanto stated there were 734 applicants consisting of 619 residents and 115 alumnus of SMK Sahid to look for jobs. They would compete for vacancies in the 22 industrial companies participating in Career Day.

"Hopefully, the vocational school graduates can get a job. Of course, this is very useful in supporting Jakarta's program in overcoming the problem of unemployment," he expressed.

According to him, it was beneficial for vocational school graduates to find employment with the skills they have learned.

"We appreciate SMK Sahid for facilitating job seekers through activities like this," he exclaimed.

SMK Sahid Principal, Sisca Tri Damarianingrum explained the 22 companies taking part in Career Day were engaged in the hotel, restaurant, and retail sectors. Among them is RM Padang Sederhana, Tour and Travel, Hoka Hoka Bento, etc.

Of 22 companies, four companies conducted interviews directly on the spot, namely Family Mart, PT Buccheri (retail), PT Fidia Artha Tama (retail), and Bakmi GM.

There were also 15 private universities participating, including Trisakti University, Pancasila, Sahid Polytechnic, Mercu Buana University, and others.

Then on October 2023, his party also held similar activities, presenting 17 private companies.

"This is the second Career Day we have held," he concluded.

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