Thursday, May 30th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 380
(Foto: Istimewa)
The Jakarta Environmental Agency (LH) continues to synergize with various parties in dealing with environmental management issues.
To realize Jakarta as a sustainable Global City
Through the Large-Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) Environment forum, it is hoped that cooperation will be established between government institutions and other stakeholders to develop concrete plans and actions to create better environmental management in Jakarta in 2024-2025.
"The Jakarta Provincial Government continues to implement various strategies in regional development plans to create a good environment to realize Jakarta as a sustainable Global City," said Jakarta Environment Agency Head, Asep Kuswanto, Wednesday (5/30).
This concrete action will keep opening a wider network and provide a big picture regarding the potential synergies that can be carried out for urban environmental management, especially after Jakarta will no longer be the capital in 2024-2025.
The agency has various targets to improve the quality of the environment in Jakarta. One of them is by reducing waste by 28 percent by 2024. Therefore, synergy is needed to make this happen.
The synergy that has been made in the last few years has succeeded in building a Reuse-Reduce-Recycle (TPS 3R) Waste Management Site on Jalan Joe, West Jakarta, which is a synergy with Nestle Indonesia, Waste4Change, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Aside that, TPS 3R Pesanggrahan is a synergy with PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia.
Besides building waste management infrastructure, various synergy efforts have also been made by increasing the capacity of waste management officers by providing training and providing information systems.
Divers Clean Action Founder, Sweetenia Puspa Lestari, who was gathered in the KSBB forum, said innovation needs to be conducted between the parties involved in this forum, thus all real actions taken can be integrated.
"There are many new issues regarding the environment in Jakarta, regarding water pollution for instance. Besides that, biodiversity must be promoted again. It's not just about urban lifestyle, because Jakarta has national parks too," he explained.
Aside that, it is expected that the synergy between them as non-government organizations and the government can encourage various program implementations. Then, an active role is also needed by producing companies that use product packaging, to ensure that the packaging can be returned to the producer for further processing or looking for environmentally friendly packaging alternatives.