Plaster on Jalan Outer Ring Road Cengkareng Timur Repaired

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Rizky Mawardi 226

Turap Saluran Jalan Outer Ringroad Cengkareng Diperbaiki

(Foto: TP Moan Simanjuntak)

West Jakarta Water Resource Sub-agency repair water channel plaster on Jalan Outer Ring Road, RT 06/06, Cengkareng Timur Urban Village, Cengkareng Sub-district.

The repair is conducted based on urban village's request

Cengkareng Sub-district Water Resource Implementer Unit Head, Jhon Tarigan, said the repaired plaster is in size of 1.5 meter of width, 1.5 of height and 30 meter length.

"The repair is conducted based on urban village's request since the plaster condition is already broken," he said, Wednesday (5/22).

He added the repair is run by eight personnel and assisted by PPSU personnel since three days ago. Repairs are carried out by reinstalling the collapsed river stones and re-cementing them until they look strong and neat. 

"We are targeting the work to be completed in the next two weeks. Hopefully with the improvements make the water smoothly," he added.

Meanwhile, Jumadi Alwi (42), one of local residents, supported the activity run by the agency.

"Hopefully there won't be another landslide and the water can flow smoothly," he hoped.

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