800 Students of SDN Kalisari 05 Participated Coloring Competition

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Rizky Mawardi 412

800 Siswa SDN Kalisari 05 Ikuti Lomba Mewarnai

(Foto: Istimewa)

As many as 800 students of SDN Kalisari 05 Pagi, Kalisari Urban Village, Pasar Rebo, Wednesday (5/22), participated coloring competition held by School Communication Forum Committee (FKKS). The event was opened by East Jakarta Vice Mayor, Iin Muthmainah.

I hope SDN Kalisari 05 and FKKS will maintain their synergy to gain education quality

Iin responded positively for FKKS taking synergy with school, urban village and sub-district in implementing this program. It is hoped that through this competition, quality characters will be created for the younger generation.

Iin also praised SDB Kalisari 05 for having various positive extracurricular program such as marching band, martial sports, and karawitan.

"I hope SDN Kalisari 05 and FKKS will maintain their synergy to gain education quality," she said.

Meanwhile, East Jakarta FKKS 10 Sub-district Roadshow Committee Head, Ashari, thanked city government and SDN Kalisari 05 Pagi for providing place for the program.

"We'll run the program at 10 sub-districts for educating students," he stated.

Meanwhile, SDN Kalisari 05 Headmaster, Heni Yuningsih, admitted the competition was participated by 800 students of class 1-5. 70 of them were students with special needs.

"The winner gets cup and goodybag," she said.

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