Jakreatifest Presents Three Featured Programs

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 316

Jakreatifest Kembali Digelar, Bawa Tiga Program Unggulan

(Foto: Istimewa)

The Bank Indonesia Jakarta Representative Office (KPw) as an advisory partner to the Jakarta Government is again holding the Jakarta Creative Festival 2024 (Jakreatifest).

It is expected to be more solid support for escalating the role of MSMEs and Tourism

This time, it will be held at the Grand Atrium, Kota Kasablanka Mall, South Jakarta from June 6 to 9, 2024.

In the fourth year of implementation, Jakreatifest 2024 carries the theme 'Jakarta Innovation Towards a Global City'. There are three flagship programs, namely, Increasing Marketing and Financing Capacity, Digitalizing Payment Systems, and Supporting Food Price Stability.

Jakarta Branch Bank Indonesia Representative Office Head, Arlyana Abubakar said Jakarta is entering a new phase after giving up its status as the National Capital, namely the legitimacy of its position as a global scale economic and business center.

She explained that KPw's Bank Indonesia Jakarta was strengthening synergy between stakeholders, especially economic actors in Jakarta, progressively accelerating this strategic mission.

"All this time, KPw's Bank Indonesia Jakarta has actively participated in economic development in Jakarta, among other things, through maintaining the stability of the value of the Rupiah, developing and empowering the MSME sector, as well as encouraging investment expansion and digitalization. One concrete manifestation of these efforts can be found at the Jakreatifest," she explained, Wednesday (5/22).

She went on to say that there would be several activities consisting of showcases, service booths to talk shows. The showcase or exhibition consists of the MSME Export products, the Indonesian Coffee Festival, and the Processed Food Products Festival.

There are also educational, service, and information booths which include halal certification services, money exchange, and Digital Population Identity (IKD).

To increase audience literacy, there would be a talk show covering the topics of digitalization of payments, halal lifestyle, consumer protection and financial inclusion, MSME exports, and sharia economics, as well as processed food products.

"The series of events is even more lively with live music performances by several artists from the capital and are open to the public and free of charge," she added.

Her party would also facilitate the implementation of two Business Matchings between MSMEs, namely with financial service institutions and potential buyers. The first business matching aimed to encourage access to MSME financing through links and matches with financial institutions.

"The second business matching aims to facilitate meetings between MSMEs and potential buyers in a bid to expand MSME market access and escalate MSME sales transactions," she uttered.

She added the target outcome for nominal business matching and MSME sales transactions at Jakreatifest was Rp 9.25 billion, which rose by 8.8 percent from 2023 by Rp 8.5 billion.

"By doing so, it is expected to be more solid support for escalating the role of MSMEs and Tourism in driving the economy, encouraging the formation of a digital-based payment system product/service ecosystem, accelerating economic growth, and maintaining price stability in Jakarta area," she closed.

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