1,000 Teachers in South Jakarta Participate Mental Health Socialization

Tuesday, May 21st 2024 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Rizky Mawardi 159

 1.000 Guru BKB PAUD di Jaksel Disosialisasikan Mental Health

(Foto: Tiyo Surya Sakti)

There are 1,000 Toddler Family Development Teacher (BKB) of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in South Jakarta participated mental health socialization for commemorating the 116th National Ascension Day at local mayor office.

to create good and quality education from an early age

South Jakarta PKK Chairwoman, Essie Feransie Munjirin, stated the event also held city level PKK cadre capacity escalation.

"The event was divided into two sessions by inviting two speakers namely Intan Erlita (psychologist) and 2023 Reading Ambassador Lestari Puji Astuti," she said, Tuesday (5/21).

Essie hopes that the participants who attend today will gain knowledge and insight about mental health. So, in the future, both the children of the future Golden Generation 2045 and the teaching staff will be free from mental health problems.

"To make this happen, I invite us to work together to create good and quality education from an early age in South Jakarta," she added.

Meanwhile, South Jakarta Community Welfare Division Head, Khabib Asy'ari, appreciated TP PKK and regional working unit for providing the event.

He assessed that the socialization of mental health for BKB PAUD teachers would make children's mental health more alert, better and stronger. Especially, in undergoing education at school.

"Hopefully this activity can run as we hope. I advise PKK cadres at sub-district and urban village levels, this socialization can also be duplicated in different formats and forms so that its distribution can be even more massive," he explained.

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