IKRA Participants in Kemayoran Sub-district Appreciated

Monday, May 20th 2024 Reporter: Budhi Firmansyah Surapati Translator: Rizky Mawardi 219

Sudin Pusip Jakpus Gelar Apresiasi IKRA tahap 1 2024 Kecamatan Kemayoran

(Foto: Budhi Firmansyah Surapati)

Central Jakarta Library and Archive Sub-agency, Monday (5/20), assigned 30 best participants of Inisiasi Keluarga Ringkas Aksara (IKRA) from Serdang and Kebon Kosong Urban Villages, Kemayoran Sub-district, Central Jakarta.

Each urban villages has 15 best participants

Central Jakarta Library and Archive Sub-agency's Library Section Head, Noor Muchyadi, this IKRA first stage this year is participated by 400 children from both urban villages. Of that number, 30 participants are assigned as the best participants.

The appreciation was given at RPTRA Krida Serdang, RT 09/01, Serdang Urban Village.

"Each urban villages has 15 best participants," he said, Monday (5/20).

He added that the selection of appreciation participants is based on the assessment of participants who are most consistent during seven consecutive days of reading and summarizing the material provided by the committee. Then they send evidence in the form of photos and/or videos to the group they have created together.

"Apart from giving certificates and goodie bags, appreciation participants in each sub-district had the opportunity to win a folding bicycle door prize," he added.

One of SPS Cendikia Kemayoran teachers, Sarah, grateful that her student Meutia Ayudia Karin received a bicycle door prize. According to her, this activity is very good at encouraging children to become familiar with books and literacy.

She added that this is important considering that nowadays many children spend their time playing with gadgets. These conditions certainly make it difficult for teachers and parents to motivate children to read.

"Our school also holds a Sunday storytelling program every week. This activity is very helpful in motivating children to read again," she closed.

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