50 Participants Take Part in Culinary Training at Mustika Kramat Jati RPTRA

Monday, May 20th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 235

50 Peserta Ikuti Pelatihan Kuliner di RPTRA Mustika Kramat Jati

(Foto: Nurito)

Some 50 participants participated in culinary training in the beverage sector at RPTRA Mustika Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, Monday (5/20). It was held by the East Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency (Nakertransgi).

This year, we only won two classes

East Jakarta Nakertransgi Sub-agency Head, Galuh Prasiwi said this training aimed to improve the participants' abilities so they could become reliable entrepreneurs. Of course, it was also to reduce the unemployment rate in the East Java region.

"This is the first generation. This year, we only won two classes," he stated.

Training, Placement, Productivity and Transmigration (P3T) Section Head, Diah Puspita expressed most participants were representatives from Makassar, Ciracas, Cipayung, Pasar Rebo and Kramat Jati sub-districts.

She explained the training time is from Monday (5/20) to Tuesday (5/28). During the training, participants are taught to make various drinks, such as Wedang Ronde Ginger and Thai Tea Rempah. Then Pletok Beer, Brown Coffee, Turmeric Asam, Date Latte, Iced Coffee Milk Jelly, Ice Mutiara Nusantara, Pink Lady Ice, and Sereh Selasih Ice.

After the training, the participants received assistance in making a Business Permit Number (NIB), a set of stoves, gas cylinders and regulators as well as blenders.

"Hopefully, it can help improve the people's economy, as well as overcome the problem of unemployment," she explained.

One of participants from Kramat Jati Urban Village, Farhana (32) admitted he was very happy because she gained useful knowledge in this training. She would open a various drinks business in her house.

"Training like this can be capital for entrepreneurship at home," he stated.

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