QRIS User in Jakarta Keeps Growing

Monday, May 20th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 1113

Penggunaan QRIS di Jakarta Terus Meningkat

(Foto: Ilustrasi)

The QRIS expansion in Jakarta will continue in the first quarter of 2024. It is reflected in the transaction volume, number of business actors and QRIS users.

This achievement was driven by optimal user experience

According to the Jakarta Branch Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office, the volume of QRIS transactions in Jakarta in the first quarter of 2024 was 333.68 million or grew 157 percent (yoy). This condition is also supported by the momentum of Ramadan and Idul Fitri.

This achievement was driven by the increasing number of business actors using QRIS, reaching 5.28 million or growing 16 percent (yoy). QRIS user acceptance also continues. It was recorded that in the first quarter of 2024, QRIS users reached 5.77 million or grew 19 percent (yoy).

"This achievement was driven by optimal user experience through events and increasing public literacy. The distribution of QRIS in Jakarta is becoming more evenly distributed with the highest share achieved in South Jakarta and West Jakarta. There are still opportunities for optimizing QRIS in the Seribu Islands, especially in tourist areas," expressed Jakarta Branch Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office Head, Arlyana Abubakar, Monday (5/20).

According to her, Jakarta's digitalization readiness had a positive impact on the achievement of QRIS, seen in the aspects of digital readiness of human resources, digital literacy index and use of technology.

She explained the digital readiness of Jakarta's human resources (based on the Digital Competitiveness Index) continues to increase. The digital literacy index also increased, especially digital skills and safety aspects.

Then the use of technology in Jakarta keeps growing in almost all aspects, including health and security, mobility and transportation, community activities, opportunities to find work and education as well as government administration.

"This digital readiness has encouraged Jakarta to have a significant share of national QRIS achievements, including users and business actors each at 17 percent, and transaction volume at 34 percent," she explained.

Besides digitizing government transactions, social assistance and transportation, QRIS was also expanded to Jakarta's main and potential sectors, namely, trade, akmamin, infocom, health services and education services.

On government transactions, QRIS had been used for regional tax and levy revenue transactions. The QRIS to PAD ratio increased to 0.51 percent in semester II-2023 from previously only 0.05 percent. She assessed, this amount led to an increase in the Regional Government Transaction Electronification Index to 98.3 percent from the previous 94.8 percent.

"The use of regional government digital revenue channels is increasing or increasing to 38 percent of total taxes and levies during 2023," she furthered.

She added the integration of Jakarta's transportation modes raises the prospects for QRIS expansion in Jakarta. Several modes of transportation such as MRT, Transjakarta, LRT, Commuter line, and Grab can be ordered with integrated tickets on Jaklingko. Moreover, QRIS has become an alternative payment in this application.

The MRT was in the innovation stage to develop NFC as a payment method to encourage the digitalization of transportation in the future. The digitization of parking is also increasingly widespread, driven by the use of Electronic Parking Terminals (TPE) and the Jakparkir application.

"These two applications have used non-cash payment modes to book parking slots in Jakarta. The digitization of transportation is also developing in ferry and AKAP bus modes through the JaketBoat and JaketBus applications. Both applications provide non-cash payment methods," she stated.

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