Here is City's Effort to Tackle Illegal Parking Attendants in Minimarts and Other Prone Locations

Monday, May 13th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 522

Ini Upaya DKI Atasi Jukir Liar di Minimarket dan Lokasi Rawan Lai

(Foto: Istimewa)

The Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) together with Satpol PP, army, police, Prosecutor's Office and District Court, will form a special joint team to deal with illegal parking attendants in Jakarta.

We'll prioritize reports to the Jakarta Government via JAKI or CRM

Jakarta Dishub Head, Syafrin Liputo said it is to follow up on the rise of illegal parking attendants in minimarkets, public spaces, and other points which caused inconvenience to residents.

"Specifically related to the current incident of inconvenience at the minimarket, we are preparing a joint team from elements of the Lintas Jaya team (Dishub and army/police) plus Satpol PP, as well as the Court and District Prosecutor's Office," he expressed, Monday (5/13).

According to him, the joint team wouldimpose light criminal sanctions (Tipiring) against illegal parking attendants. The action would target independent minimarket locations where parking fees were known to arise and caused unrest based on supervision or monitoring in the field and complaints from the public.

According to him, coordination between the parties involved would take place this week to determine a schedule for implementing the action.

"Of course, we'll prioritize reports to the Jakarta Government via JAKI or CRM. What went viral was that the parking fee was 150 thousand at once. So, the initial discussion was about minimarkets, then it developed at several points to include illegal streetcars. It will also automatically become an integral part of the implementation of the action," he explained.

He explained persuasive steps in the form of guidance and supervision of minimarkets have been carried out so far, namely checking portable signs or banners that say free parking. However, often the illegal parking attendants were not at the location when the personnel arrive.

"When we came to check, the personnel or illegal parking attendants were definitely not in the field. As soon as the personnel leave after training, they appear and then do the controlling independently. That's where the conflict arose with customers from the minimarket," he expressed.

He added his party was coordinating with minimarket managers to provide CCTV access in their parking areas to the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) of the Transportation Agency to be able to monitor in real time the whereabouts of illegal car drivers.

"Hopefully, we can be given camera access at the parking location, so we can carry out monitoring. As soon as there are illegal parking attendants, we can send a team to control them. Hopefully, it will have a deterrent effect," he closed.

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