Six Trees on Jalan Outer Ring Road Cengkreng Timur Pruned

Saturday, May 11th 2024 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Rizky Mawardi 327

Enam Pohon Dipangkas di Outer Ringroad Cengkareng

(Foto: TP Moan Simanjuntak)

Personnel of West Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency pruned six trees on Jalan Outer Ring Road, precisely beside Rawa Buaya Flyover, RW 02, Cengkareng Timur Urban Village, Cengkareng Sub-district.

to anticipate fallen or splintered trees

West Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency Head, Romy Sidharta, said his side deployed seven personnel to prune the trees. There were two angsana and four ketapang kencana trees pruned by the personnel.

"Pruning is for maintenance as well as providing safety and comfort to the community. This is also to anticipate fallen or splintered trees," he said.

Ahmad Sobari (65), security personnel of RW 02, Cengkareng Timur Urban Village, appreciated the pruning run by West Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency.

"Shady trees must be pruned to give safety and comfort for residents," he admitted.

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