Nine Vehicles Netted During Lintas Jaya Operation in West Jakarta

Monday, May 6th 2024 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Rizky Mawardi 335

Sembilan Kendaraan Ditertibkan di Kebon Jeruk

(Foto: TP Moan Simanjuntak)

Joint personnel of West Jakarta Transportation Sub-agency and Police/Army held Lintas Jaya Operation on Jalan Lapangan Sepak Bola, Kebon Jeruk Urban Village, Kebon Jeruk Sub-district, Monday (5/6).

Two of them were stopped operating and seven vehicles were ticketed

West Jakarta Transportation Sub-agency's Monitoring Officer, Dedi Sumanto, admitted his side deployed 16 joint personnel during the operation. As the result, nine goods transport vehicles were netted.

"Two of them were stopped operating and seven vehicles were ticketed," he said.

Dedi explained action taken against vehicles caught in operations because the vehicle documents are incomplete and the load capacity exceeds.

"It is hoped that this action will provide a deterrent effect for drivers to comply with the rules for traffic safety," he closed.

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