Channel on Jalan Bangun Nusa Cengkareng Timur Cleaned

Monday, May 6th 2024 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 280

 Saluran Jalan Bangun Nusa Centim Dikuras

(Foto: TP Moan Simanjuntak)

The West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency, dredged the water channel on Jalan Bangun Nusa, RT 12/03, Cengkareng Timur Urban Village, Cengkareng Sub-dstrict.

Hopefully, it can minimize flooding when it rains

Cengkareng Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head, Jhon Tarigan expressed the dredging was focused on the right side of Jalan Bangun Nusa measuring 80 centimeters wide and 50 meters long.

"We did the draining because the mud was already solid," he expressed, Monday (5/6).

During this time, when it rains with high intensity and for a long time, the road is often flooded. Hence, as many as 12 personnel were deployed to dredge the mud to 30-40 centimeters deep, thus the water channel could accommodate more water so as to minimize flooding.

"By cleaning, the channel can accommodate more water discharge while minimizing flooding during heavy rain," he added.

The work received appreciation a resident, Nur Fitria (42).

"Hopefully, it can minimize flooding when it rains," she hoped.

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