Duren Sawit Community Health Center Served 300 Patients on Eid Holidays

Tuesday, April 16th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Rizky Mawardi 1119

Selama Libur Lebaran, Ratusan Pasien Setiap Hari

(Foto: Nurito)

There were 250-300 patients per day served by Duren Sawit Sub-district Community Health Center, East Jakarta during Eid holidays. This Jakarta Provincial Government's health facility is open for 24 hours.

We're standby to serve the community 

Duren Sawit Sub-district Community Health Center Head, Sunersi Handayani, said the health service remain opened during Eid holidays on April 8-15, 2024. Personnel were divided into three shifts per day.

"We're standby to serve the community even though it was holiday," she said, Tuesday (4/16).

She explained that 15 personnel were deployed for one shift. Those are for registration, pharmacist, nurse, and up to ambulance driver.

"Totally there were 45 personnel for one day," she explained.

Meanwhile, Duren Sawit Sub-district Community Health Center's Individual Health Implementer Unit Head, Rina Oktaviana, stated upper respiratory tract infections (ARI) and digestive disorders were the most cases during that period

"We serve 250 to 300 patients every day," he stated.

According to him, his side also provided health services at Pulogebang Bus Terminal and Homecoming Post at Pangkalan Jati, Jalan Laksamana Malahayati.

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