Acting Governor Heru Hands Over LKPD 2023 to BPK

Wednesday, March 27th 2024 Reporter: Folmer Translator: Rizky Mawardi 351

Pj. Gubernur Heru Serahkan LKPD Tahun 2023 kepada BPK

(Foto: Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto)

Acting Jakarta Governor, Heru Budi Hartono accompanied by Jakarta Regional Secretary, Joko Agus Setyono, and Jakarta Provincial Government officials visited Jakarta Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) office in Pancoran, South Jakarta. It was aimed to hand over Regional Financial Report 2023, Wednesday (3/27).

the best for us in Jakarta

Heru said that the submission of LKPD is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 1 of 2004 Article 56 Paragraph 3 regarding Regional Government Financial Reports submitted by the Governor and Regent/Mayor to the BPK, no later than three months after the end of the fiscal year.

He added that Jakarta Provincial Government has been able to complete LKPD 2023 on time and has been reviewed by Jakarta Inspectorate. Completion of this LKPD is a manifestation of accountability and credibility in financial and goods management.

"We express our gratitude and appreciation to BPK for overseeing the accountability of financial and goods management through professional audits. Apart from that, the BPK also provides recommendations for improvements, of course the best for us in Jakarta," Heru said as quoted from Jakarta Provincial Government's press release.

Heru explained the ranks of Jakarta Provincial Government have undergone a long and continuous process in increasing accountability in the management of regional finances and goods. This is done to realize Jakarta as a Global City that is resilient, inclusive, competitive and sustainable.

"We hope that BPK can continue to provide guidance, suggestions and input. So, the management of finances and goods within the Jakarta Provincial Government can be better, more accountable, and obtain the seventh consecutive Unqualified Opinion on the LKPD 2023," he explained.

As for information, total City Budget in 2023 was Rp 79.56 trillion or 3.93 percent lower compared to 2022 with 100.50 percent of income realization, and 92.27 percent outcome realization. Then Jakarta total asset up to December 2023 was Rp 721.58 trillion or 5.34 percent bigger compared to December 2022.

The efforts that have been made by the Jakarta Provincial Government to improve financial and asset/goods management in 2023 were:

1. Periodic reconciliation efforts, including reconciliation of income, expenditure and assets in stages, through the regional level in the City/Regency, up to the Provincial level;

2. Strengthening and developing the implementation of electronic inventory information systems;

3. Strengthening the internal control system through supervision attached to Regional Apparatus and assistance by the Inspectorate;\

4. Reviewing financial reports using a risk-based approach by the Inspectorate;

5. Accelerate the implementation of follow-up to BPK recommendations;

6. Carrying out land certification efforts in collaboration with the National Land Agency;

7. Data collection on social and public facilities assets in collaboration with BPN, the Prosecutor's Office and the Corruption Eradication Committee, and also includes directions from the BPK;

8. Development of regional government information systems in regional financial management and reporting.

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