Blocking Street Light, Five Trees in Grogol and Meruya Utara Pruned

Saturday, March 23rd 2024 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Rizky Mawardi 483

pemangkasan, pohon, Grogol, Meruya Utara

(Foto: Istimewa)

West Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency personnel pruned five trees on Jalan Mawardi Raya, Grogol Urban Village, Grogol Petamburan Sub-district and on Jalan Meruya Utara, Kavling DKI Blok I, RT 05/01, Meruya Utara Urban Village, Kembangan Sub-district.

based on residents' request

Sub-agency Head, Romy Sidharta said those pruned trees are angsana and kedondong laut.

"The pruning is based on residents' request due to shady and blocking street light and electricity cable," he said, Saturday (3/23).

Moreover, he added, heavy rain accompanied with strong wind lately could trigger fallen trees incident.

"It is hoped the pruning will prevent fallen trees and residents will feel safer," he added.

Martinus Martin (51), one of local residents, thanked and appreciated the personnel for pruning the trees.

"We feel more comfort and safer since tree pruning should prevent fallen tree incident," he admitted.

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