10,000 Tilapia Seeds Restocked at Cilangkap TNI Academy Reservoir

Friday, March 8th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 444

Anwar Tebar 10 Ribu Benih Ikan Nila di Waduk Akademi TNI Cilangkap

(Foto: Nurito)

As many as 10,000 Tilapia seeds were restocked in the TNI Academy Reservoir at Cilangkap TNI Headquarters, Cipayung, East Jakarta. The fish restocking was led directly by East Jakarta Mayor, Muhammad Anwar together with TNI Academy Commander General, Vice Admiral Dadi Hartanto.

We're synergizing land empowerment

East Jakarta Mayor, Muhammad Anwar expressed that the distribution of Tilapia seeds is part of the food security program being promoted by the East Jakarta administration, including within the TNI Headquarters.

"We're synergizing land empowerment within TNI Headquarters by sowing Tilapia seeds in this reservoir," he expressed, Friday (3/8).

According to him, his party would continue to strengthen synergy with TNI Headquarters in the food security program.

"We also plan to plant chilies, vegetables, and other productive plants on land at TNI Headquarters," he explained.

TNI Academy Commander General, Vice Admiral TNI Dadi Hartanto added that the implementation of the food security program with the East Jakarta administration was a very good form of partnership.

"We're ready and committed to synergize. Moreover, the reservoir at the Cilangkap TNI Headquarters is also part of the flood control system," he stated.

East Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture and Food Security Sub-agency Head, Ali Nurdin added that restocking fish in the TNI Academy Reservoir covering an area of approximately one hectare was expected to provide more benefits.

"This reservoir is becoming more productive because it is not only a flood control system. In the future, the fish stocked in the reservoir can be used to meet the food and nutritional needs of the community and TNI soldiers," he explained.

Besides stocking fish seeds, his party would also plant productive plants around the reservoir.

"We will plant Jamaican Grape Guava trees, Cipedak Avocados, and others," he stated.

As for the information, the fish restocking at Cilangkap TNI Academy Reservoir was attended by Cipayung Sub-district Head, Panangaran Ritonga; Cilangkap Urban Village Head, Dicky Wijaya Sumantri; and others.

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