National University Library Achieves Accreditation A

Thursday, February 22nd 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 466

Dispusip, Akreditasi Predikat A, Perpustakaan UNAS

(Foto: Istimewa)

The Jakarta Library and Archives Agency (Dispusip), handed over an A accreditation certificate to the National University Library (UNAS), Thursday (2/22). The certificate was handed over by Jakarta Dispusip Head, Firmansyah to A.K.A UNAS Section Deputy Chancellor, Suryono Efendi.

Our role is to give constructive input

According to Firmansyah, achieving the A title for the UNAS Library is the result of a year of preparation by the campus library accreditation team, by following the pre-accreditation coaching program from Jakarta Dispusip.

"Our role is to give constructive input, explore library potential, and carry out intensive accreditation assessment simulations," he expressed.

With this accreditation certificate, UNAS could have a wider contribution to society.

"A-accredited libraries must be able to demonstrate their quality, one of which is through community service as part of the tri dharma of higher education," he concluded.

In the meantime, Suryono Efendi appreciated the support of the Jakarta Dispusip, thus his campus library could achieve A predicate accreditation. In the future, his party would strengthen synergy with the Jakarta Dispusip and the South Jakarta Pusip Sub-agency, thus the public could take advantage of the library.

"We'll be more active in inviting the academic community and community to use our library," he explained.

As for the information, achieving an A predicate for this university library adds to the list of libraries that have been accredited in Jakarta.

To speed up the increase in accredited libraries, Dispusip is open to all types of libraries such as urban village libraries, universities, and government and non-government institutions to take part in the accreditation development program to achieve maximum results.

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