Long Holiday, 55,000 Tourists Flock to TMII

Sunday, February 11th 2024 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 363

Libur Panjang, TMII Banyak Dikunjungi Wisatawan Domestik

(Foto: Nurito)

Long holiday from Thursday (2/8) to Sunday (2/11), more than 55,000 tourists reportedly flocked to the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) tourist attraction, East Jakarta.

This number is predicted to keep increasing

TMII Public Relations Section Head, Novera Mayang said that besides Jakarta, tourists came from several areas, such as Bogor, Bekasi, Cirebon, Indramayu, and several other areas. They came in groups using tourist buses or private vehicles.

"This number is predicted to keep increasing, considering it is only 3.15 PM and there is still plenty of time for visiting hours," she expressed, Sunday (2/11).

According to her, these visitors were spread across several locations, such as in front of the Indonesia Museum, the edge of Archipelago Lake, the Komodo Museum, the Bird Park, the Sasono Langen Utomo, etc.

She added there was a Chinatown Festival which presented various Lion Dance and Liong attractions at Plaza Kori Museum Indonesia. Then Chinatown Bazaar at Tram Mover Station, Balance Bike at Indonesian Children's Palace, and Corobalen Gamelan in Tourist Information Center area, are attractions for tourists to visit during the long holiday this week.

"Today, starting at 5 PM, there is the Kecak Dance at the Indonesia Museum," she explained.

Arum (32), one of the visitors from Jakarta admitted he visited TMII during this long holiday, as the entry ticket was affordable and plenty of entertainment for the family to enjoy.

"The place is also cool, lots of trees," she admitted.

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