Dispusip: Jakartans Have Good Reading Habits

Tuesday, January 30th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 366

Tingkat Kegemaran Membaca Masyarakat Jakarta Dinilai Meningkat

(Foto: Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto)

The Jakarta Library and Archives Agency (Dispusip) has noted that the reading hobby level (TGM) of people in Jakarta is in the high category, scoring 72.68 according to the 2023 measurement results.

Maintaining the love of reading aims to develop the community's interest

Jakarta Dispusip Head, Firmansyah said the value obtained resulted from cooperation from all parties, including local government, literacy activist communities, private sector, and community to help increase the love of reading.

"All parties work together to increase the love of reading through empowering libraries, reading parks, reading corners, community reading rooms, including the existence of libraries in Child-Friendly Integrated Public Spaces (RPTRAs)," he expressed, Tuesday (1/30).

According to him, the movement to cultivate the love of reading is an effort to grow reading as a habit that runs from generation to generation.

"Maintaining the love of reading aims to develop the community's interest, liking and habit of reading, to encourage the creation of a reading community, towards a learning community to enlighten the nation's life," he explained.

He explained that TGM measurements are conducted every year to get data and information regarding the real condition of the level of reading hobby and observe shifts in the information behavior of the people of Jakarta. This level of love for reading was also linked to the rise of electronic reading materials, and the use of smartphones and other technologies to access information.

He said that the delivery of measurement results involved various related parties from the government, private sector, and literacy activists. Hopefully, it could provide data and build synergy in increasing the literacy of the people of Jakarta in the future.

"Based on the results of these measurements, the level of reading enthusiasm among people in Jakarta received a score of 72.68. This measurement uses five indicators, namely, frequency of reading per week, duration of reading per day, amount of reading material read per three months, frequency of internet access per week, and duration of internet access per day," he uttered.

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