Dispusip Appreciates Donation of 1,040 Book Titles to RPTRA Library

Friday, January 26th 2024 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 311

Dispusip Apresiasi Swasta Donasikan 1.040 Judul Buku ke Perpustakaan RPTRA

(Foto: Istimewa)

The Jakarta Library and Archives Agency (Dispusip) appreciates the management of PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk (WOM Finance) for donating 1,040 book titles to Ciganjur Berseri RPTRA in South Jakarta and Rawa Badak Utara RPTRA in North Jakarta.

Hopefully, in the future, we can do more collaboration

This book donation is one of WOM Finance's Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR activities where each RPTRA received 520 book titles.

Jakarta Dispusip Head, Firmansyah expressed his appreciation and thanks to WOM Finance which has an interest in the world of literacy in Jakarta and has initiated this book donation.

He assessed this positive initiative would add the latest reading materials and complement the diversity of library collections for the community, which would have a positive impact on increasing public interest in visiting the RPTRA library to study, create, and grow.

"WOM Finance is the first private party to collaborate with Dispusip to donate these books to the libraries of two RPTRAs. Hopefully, the people of Ciganjur and Rawa Badak will be more enthusiastic about literacy, because of the availability of new, more complete, and varied reading materials," he expressed, Friday (1/26).

He explained the RPTRA library is present in the community to provide reading materials that are easily accessible, complete, and of good quality.

Hence, the Dispusip felt very open and grateful if there were private parties who wanted to collaborate and contribute to realizing the RPTRA library as a means of making the nation's life smarter.

"Hopefully, in the future, we can do more collaboration to create a literate society as a manifestation of Jakarta as a Global City," he hoped.

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