Heru Appreciates BPK's Role in Supervising Government Governance, Finance, and Assets

Tuesday, January 23rd 2024 Reporter: Folmer Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 260

Pj. Gubernur Heru Apresiasi Peran BPK RI

(Foto: Istimewa)

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, attended the Entry Meeting for Examination of the Financial Reports of Ministries/Institutions and Regional Governments for 2023 Financial Year , at the BPK Auditorium, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (1/23).

It will give sufficient time for the Regional Government

The meeting was held by the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency (BPK) as an evaluation reference for all Ministries/Institutions and Regional Governments, by supervising financial reports and asset management, to create good governance and accountable government.

In his speech, the Acting Governor, who represents the Regional Government in the working area of BPK Leadership V, appreciated the implementation of the entry meeting.

"By holding an earlier entry meeting, hopefully it will give sufficient time for the Regional Government to make improvements to the presentation of financial reports. This is also to achieve the title of Unqualified Opinion, as a fulfillment of the requirements for good governance and finance," he expressed, in the Jakarta Provincial Government's press release.

He asserted all regional governments were committed to optimizing the follow-up to BPK recommendations by completing various evaluations in the financial and asset governance process, thus problems do not occur again in the following year.

"We, the Regional Government, realize that achievements so far still need to be improved, thusnthey continue to get better. Therefore, we still need guidance, suggestions, input, and constructive corrections from the BPK. Thus, accountability in regional government financial management can be maintained and improved," he explained.

He also appreciated the BPK's professionalism in running its roles and duties, through inspections and recommendations for improvement. By doing so, the Regional Government feels helped in increasing accountability in financial management.

"We're committed to being cooperative in preparing all necessary documents, and we are ready to maintain integrity during the inspection. Hopefully, our efforts will be conducted in increasing financial management accountability to provide the best service for the community," he stated.

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