Water Channel on Jalan Pinang Kalijati Revitalized

Tuesday, January 23rd 2024 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Rizky Mawardi 537

 Perbaikan Saluran di Jalan Pinang Kalijati Ditargetkan Rampung Pekan Ini

(Foto: Tiyo Surya Sakti)

Cilandak Sub-district's Water Resource Implementer Unit (Satpel SDA) is revitalizing water channel on Jalan Pinang Kalijati, RT 11/09, Pondok Labu, Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta. The project is targeted to complete next week.

The 60 cm U-ditch is installed on the channel

Yansori, Satpel Head, said water channel revitalization is conducted based on resident's request in Musrenbang 2023.

"The 60 cm U-ditch is installed on the channel," he said, Tuesday (1/23).

Yansori added that six personnel are deployed to revitalize the 100 meter channel.

"We also deployed excavator to speed up to work that has been started since January 18 ago," he added.

He hoped the revitalization can be completed on time in order to prevent inundation or flood during rainy season.

"U-ditch will add the channel capacity," he stated.

Meanwhile, Candra (33) local resident, also hoped the revitalization will eliminate inundation in the area.

"Thanks to the personnel for responding our request quickly. It is hoped the channel will function maximally," he said.

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