Various Vegetable Seeds Planted in Grogol Utara

Monday, November 13th 2023 Reporter: Tiyo Surya Sakti Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 585

Perkuat Ketahanan Pangan, Kelurahan Grogol Utara Tanam Benih Sayuran

(Foto: Tiyo Surya Sakti)

The South Jakarta Maritime, Agricultural and Food Security (KPKP) Sub-agency, planted various vegetable seeds at Keyla 3 Garden, Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama.

Keyla 3 Gardens can be a model

Grogol Utara Urban Village Head, Sariman expressed planting vegetable seeds is an effort to strengthen food security for local residents.

"Poktan Keyla 3 has been around since last year. The aim is to strengthen the food security and independence of the local community," he expressed, Monday (11/13).

He explained the vegetable seeds planted at the location consisted of spinach, pakcoy, kale, chilies, and tomatoes which were from the South Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency.

His party also harvested five kilograms of chilies, Dayak onions, and eggplant.

The harvest was then given to the garden caretakers to be processed into delicious food

"Hopefully, the Keyla 3 Gardens can be a model for the surrounding environment," he stated.

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