Jakarta DWP Invites Orphanage Children to Educational Tourism in Ancol

Monday, July 10th 2023 Reporter: Anita Karyati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 1031

DWP DKI Ajak Anak Panti Wisata Edukasi di Ancol

(Foto: Anita Karyati)

The Jakarta Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) invited 100 children from the Putra Utama 1 Social House (PSAA) to visit Sea World and Ocean Dream Samudra at Ancol Taman Impian, North Jakarta.

Hopefully, children can enjoy and also gain new knowledge about various marine biota

Jakarta DWP Chairman, Endang Lestari Joko said today's educational tour is a series of social service activities for health checks, which are always held routinely every year.

"This year, not only medical examinations, we also held educational tours for orphanage children," she expressed, Monday (7/10).

According to her, it was not only a holiday event, but also to strengthen curiosity and add insight about the thousands of collections of marine life in Jakarta.

"100 orphans with 20 assistants are very enthusiastic and happy. Here they witness the feeding of fish in giant ponds, dolphin shows, penguins and so on," she expressed.

She expressed her gratitude to those who have supported this activity. At the Social Agency, Health Agency, and Ancol Taman Impian. Educational tourism like this is expected to be used by children to get to know the underwater world better.

"Hopefully, children can enjoy and also gain new knowledge about various marine biota," he added.

Aisyah Anisa (11), one of the Orphanage children, was happy to watch the marine animal show. This visit to Ancol was his first experience.

"Thank you Jakarta DWP for inviting us. We were invited to see a variety of marine life. Hopefully, in the future, we can be invited to visit like this again," she closed.

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