Fire Hydrants in Duri Pulo and Paseban Inaugurated

Sunday, June 25th 2023 Reporter: Wuri Setyaningsih Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 540

Dhany Sukma Resmikan Fire Hydrant

(Foto: Wuri Setyaningsih)

The Central Jakarta administration inaugurated fire hydrants in two densely populated urban villages.

Hopefully, it can anticipate fires in densely populated locations

Central Jakarta Mayor, Dhany Sukma said fire hydrant is a fire extinguishing system that functions as a water terminal and will extinguish the fire if a fire occurs.

"This fire hydrant consists of reservoir components, suction pipe network, fire pump, distribution, and output pipes," he said, Sunday (6/25).

He hoped that it could help overcome fires as early as possible, thus they do not spread to other settlements.

"Residents must work together to prevent and prevent fires early," he expressed.

It could also be used to water plants during community service activities.

"It has a lot of benefits," he added.

Central Jakarta Fire and Rescue Sub-agency Head, Asril Rizal added those fire hydrants at these two locations had been completed since December 2022.

"Each is located in RW 08, Duri Pilo and RW 03, Paseban," he explained.

They had spent a budget of Rp 5 billion from City Budget (APBD).

"Currently, it is still under third party maintenance," he added.

Hopefully, it could be the first step in early handling of fires before officers arrive at the location. His party has trained residents on how to use a fire hydrant.

"Hopefully, it can anticipate fires in densely populated locations," he hoped.

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