PAM Jaya Starts 100% Independent Operations Today

Wednesday, February 1st 2023 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 642

PAM Jaya Mulai Layanan Mandiri 100 Persen

(Foto: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing)

Regional Public Company (Perumda) PAM Jaya started 100 percent service independently starting today, Wednesday (2/1).

At least the existing services are getting better

Perumda PAM Jaya President Director, Arif Nasrudin said that this 100 percent independent operation was carried out in line with the cessation of water privatization in Jakarta.

"PAM Jaya is reborn today after 25 years of water services in Jakarta being managed by the private sector. Insya Allah (God Willing), today we ensure that at least the existing services are getting better," he expressed.

To achieve 100 percent service coverage by 2030, it was also carried out with strategic steps according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

"There are six years left, the job is not easy. During the 25-year management period by the private sector, there were only 400,000 house lines. While in six years we will realize 1.1 million. Insya Allah, with determination and optimism, we can make it happen," he explained.

In the transition period, PAM Jaya also carried out synergies with large consultants such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, and Ernst & Young.

"Together with this consultant, careful and measurable planning has been prepared, there is a timeline," he explained.

He also confirmed that there had been no layoffs (PHK) for Palyja and Aetra employees.

"All of us are re-recruiting to become part of PAM Jaya. Together we will ensure water sovereignty in Jakarta that can be enjoyed by all residents," he added.

Perumda PAM Jaya Oversight Council, Riyadi uttered that with this transition, it is certain that the service will run well but improved.

"Today I feel very happy to see the performance and achievements of all PAM Jaya staff in realizing 100 percent service," he explained.

Perumda PAM Jaya Service Director, Syahrul Hasan added that service optimization was also carried out through complaint or information channels. For services in the West area, you can go through the hotline at (021) 2997 9999 and in the East area at (021) 86909999.

"We have services via WhatsApp at number 0812 1222 2423. Then, you can via message at number 0816 725 952," he uttered.

Not only that, customer complaints can be submitted via email at

"We also have social media: Facebook @PerumdaAirMinumJaya, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok @pamjaya_dki," he added.

As for the information, today there was also the signing of the Minutes of Handover of Assets (BAST) between PT Palyja and PT Aetra Air Jakarta and Perumda PAM Jaya.

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