City Uses Jakarta Textile Center Laboratory Yard for Greening

Friday, January 27th 2023 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 802

Pemprov DKI Manfaatkan Halaman Laboratorium Balai Tekstil Jakarta untuk Penghijauan

(Foto: Nugroho Sejati)

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono attended a tree planting activity in the yard of the Jakarta Textile Laboratory, Cempaka Putih Sub-district, Central Jakarta, Friday (1/27).

Today, we planted trees

In the green open as wide as 761 square meters, as many as 525 trees were planted consisting of 500 chilies, 15 trees type Cempaka Putih, and 10 trees type Ketapang Kencana.

"Today, we planted trees, one of which was Cempaka Putih at this location. The next is outside of this location, the Mayor also ordered all sub-district and urban heads throughout Central Jakarta to do the same thing at the same time," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.

According to him, tree planting is being intensified to make Jakarta a green and environmentally friendly city. Hence, besides the land or building, it is also carried out in one location per sub-district, as well as additional new trees in RPTRAs, and new parks as a result of area planning.

"Yesterday, there were 256 locations, including RPTRAs and other parks. In Central Jakarta, there are 104 parks plus one today, it becomes 105 parks. If we can do it at one location in one urban village, there will be 256 parks and so on," he explained.

At the same time, Central Jakrata Mayorm Dhany Sukma added that the tree planting activity is also a follow-up to the Acting Governor's program that wanted to transform Jakarta Government's unmanaged assets into green areas that were more well-maintained, neat, and beautiful.

"So, we want Jakarta to be greener. That's why it is done simultaneously in urban villages and sub-districts to the city level, which has local government unmanaged assets for us to plant trees. We were directed to plant as many trees as possible on unmanaged assets and public spaces that still look brown, make them green," he explained.

He added that it would be realized simultaneously in eight sub-districts and 44 urban villages by planting 2,722 trees. Until now, there had been around 7,773 trees planted in Central Jakarta. This number was achieved, as his staff carried out a 10-tree program in each urban village.

While the trees planted in Central Jakarta were productive tree species, while assistance from the Central Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture, and Food Security (KPKP) Sub-agency was in the form of mango trees, star fruit trees, water guava trees, bol guava trees, Jamaica guava trees, buni trees, bisbol trees, and orange trees.

As for the type of shade trees distributed by Central Jakarta Parks and City Forest Sub-agency was namely tabebuya and trembesi. On that occasion, the Central Jakarta administration collaborated with PT Kahaptex which provided types of coconut and mahogany trees.

He asserted that the care for trees that have been planted would be carried out by agencies that use the government's assets.

"Who is closest, they take care of it. When the tree is in the sub-district environment, the sub-district takes care of it. When it is in public areas and parks, the Parks Agency takes care of it," he explained.

As for the information, today's tree planting was also attended by Jakarta Development and Environment Assitant, Afan Adriansyah Idris; Jakarta Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises Agency Head, Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo; Jakarta Regional Asset Management Agency Head, Reza Phahlevi.

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