BSSN Appreciates City's Cyber Security

Tuesday, December 6th 2022 Reporter: Nurito Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 617

Keamanan Cyber Pemprov DKI Diapresiasi BSSN #2

(Foto: Nurito)

The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) gave appreciation to the Jakarta Provincial Government regarding a well-organized cyber security system.

The data protection system must be further improved

This appreciation was given in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at a hotel on Jalan Transyogi or Cibubur alternative road, Bekasi, West Java.

The handing over of the Cyber Security Maturity (CSM) certificate was symbolically handed over by BSSN Acting Main Secretary, YB Susilo Wibowo to Jakarta Communications, Informatics, and Statistics Agency (Kominfotik) Acting Head, Raides Aryanto.

Another appreciation was also given to the DI Yogyakarta administration, West Java administration, Brawijaya University, Indonesia University Hospital, Udayana Universitas, and other agencies.

Risk Management and Measurement of Cyber Security Maturity Level of Central Government, Defense, and Law Enforcement Coordinator, Yon Handri said that the appreciation was given to the Jakarta Government, as it was deemed to have implemented cyber security following existing regulations.

Cybersecurity in Jakarta is at level four because Jakarta has sufficiently qualified Human Resources (HR) and has formed a response team.

"However, our message is that every year we should improve governance and regulations that must be implemented properly," he expressed, Tuesday (12/6).

According to him, FGDs and awards like this are routinely carried out every year, which aim to find out the cybersecurity profile of each sector and agency.

"The data protection system must be further improved. Thus far, there have been many data leaks that must be anticipated," he stated.

To increase the predicate at level five, Jakarta must conduct three components, consisting of human resources, technology, and policy regulation. These three components must support each other, thus the cybersecurity factor is well maintained.

"This is because advanced technology is also not necessarily safe from being attacked. Then if HR is sophisticated, but the regulatory point of view doesn't exist, surely it will be conceded. So, everything must be related," he explained.

He went on to say that cyber management in Jakarta must be maintained or improved, thus it can rise to level five or the highest level.

Jakarta Communications, Informatics, and Statistics Agency (Diskominfotik) Acting Head, Raides Aryanto expressed his gratitude and appreciation to BSSN. The awarding of appreciation and awards from BSSN is closely related to the readiness of local governments in building information security.

"We are about to gradually improve the cyber security system in Jakarta. Because all of that also requires a lot of money. Aside that, reliable human resources are important to prevent cyber attacks," he stated.

Cyber and Password Division Head, Budi Setiawan added that several things had been done by the Jakarta Provincial Government to prevent cyber attacks.

"Then the leak-prone gaps have also been closed as much as possible," he explained.

Every year, he explained, the Jakarta Government is budgeting for advanced technology spending to prevent data leaks or cyber attacks.

"Certainly, the provision of advanced technology is very important to add to the defense of the cyber security fortress," he added.

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