Jakarta Gives Urban Farming Aid to 25 Islamic Boarding Schools

Sunday, October 23rd 2022 Reporter: Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 709

DKI Serahkan Bantuan Pertanian Perkotaan untuk 25 Ponpes di Jakarta

(Foto: Nugroho Sejati)

The Jakarta Provincial Government handed over assistance for urban farming facilities to 25 Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) in Jakarta.

We give them hydroponic racks complete with seeds and other infrastructure

The assistance was directly handed over by Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, representatives of five Islamic boarding schools at Al Hamid Islamic Boarding School, Jalan Cilangkap Baru, Munjul, Cipayung, East Jakarta.

The assistance distributed was in the form of hydroponic racks and agricultural production facilities. In addition to the delivery of aid, at the location, there were also planting actions of Cipedak Avocado, Garifta Mango, Duku Condet, Jamaican Guava, and Rambutan Rapiah.

Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture, and Food Security (KPKP) Agency Head, Suharini Eliawati said that besides commemorating Santri Day, this activity also followed up on the direction of the President, Joko Widodo, who wanted to make boarding schools food independent.

It included a directive from the Acting Governor asking for more greening in Jakarta.

“We give them hydroponic racks complete with seeds and other infrastructure. If they still have land, we suggest they cultivate conventionally," she expressed, Sunday (10/23).

She explained that the 25 Islamic boarding schools that received assistance for urban farming facilities were a proposal from the Religious Affairs Ministry. She was also open to other Islamic boarding schools that wanted to do urban farming.

“We want there to be a lot of proposed locations. Please suggest, we will verify later. Our goal is to make students in addition to formal learning, also gain other knowledge and skills. One of them is urban farming," she explained.

She ensured that the provision of assistance to Islamic boarding schools was not only limited to facilities and infrastructure but also assistance.

"We all help until it succeeds," she stressed.

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