30 SMEs Enliven Bazaar Event in Grogol Petamburan

Monday, October 25th 2021 Reporter: TP Moan Simanjuntak Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 770

 30 Pelaku UMKM Ikuti Bazar di Gropet

(Foto: TP Moan Simanjuntak)

As many as 30 small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Monday (10/25), participated in a bazaar event programmed by the Grogol Petamburan (Gropet) Sub-district Industry Trade Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (PPKUKM) Sub-agency Executing Unit, West Jakarta.

Hopefully, it is able to promote their products, including expand business network

Gropet Sub-district PPKUKM Executing Unit Head, Syaipudin Zuhri expressed, the event has been held since October 25 and will end on October 28. It was divided into two groups.

"SMEs under the sub-district PPKUKM is held on October 25 to 26, while joint SMEs under other SKPDs on October 27 to 28," he stated.

The products sold in the bazaar, he continued, consisted of culinary, clothing, accessories, shoes and other products.

"Hopefully, it is able to promote their products, including expand business network," he said.

One of SMEs from Tanjung Duren Utara, Lisa Herawati admitted that she was selling handicraft products in the form of shoes, wallets and cell phone cases priced at Rp 10,000 to Rp 250,000.

"I'm grateful to participate here (bazaar). During the pandemic, our business decreased drastically. Hopefully, our economy can rise slowly," she admitted.

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