SDA Unit Builds 32 Infiltration Wells in Grogol Petamburan

Monday, September 6th 2021 Reporter: Wuri Setyaningsih Translator: Maria Inggita 1048

Sumur Resapan di Kecamatan Gropet Terbukti Atasi Genangan

(Foto: Wuri Setyaningsih)

Grogol Petamburan Sub-district Water Resources (SDA) Unit, West Jakarta built 32 infiltration wells. Those infiltration wells were expected to minimize inundation and flooding in the area, especially during rainy season.

All infiltration wells have same diameter, which is 80 centimeters with depths ranging from 1.75-2.25 meters

Grogol Petamburan Sub-district SDA Unit Head, Agus stated, construction progress of infiltration wells located on Jalan Indraloka, RT 08/10, Wijaya Kusuma Urban Village, now has reached 93 percent.

"All infiltration wells have same diameter, which is 80 centimeters with depths ranging from 1.75-2.25 meters," he explained, Monday (9/6).

Infiltration wells on Jalan Indraloka was targeted to be completed in the next 10 days. According to him, infiltration wells could hold more water discharge, especially when heavy rain falls.

"There are total 12 infiltration wells on Jalan Indraloka. Since infiltration wells were made, inundation in the area has decreased," he conveyed.

One infiltration well, he continued, can hold up to two cubic meters of water. With that much of capacity, infiltration well is considered very effective in preventing inundation and flooding.

"In addition, we still prepare four portable pumps and five mobile pumps to accelerate our work in handling inundation, especially during heavy rain," he said.

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