Grogol Petamburan Satpol PP Assists RSUD Taman Sari to Transport 27 Oxygen Cylinders

Thursday, August 5th 2021 Reporter: Wuri Setyaningsih Translator: Maria Inggita 848

27 Tabung Oksigen Kosong Diambil dan Didistribusikan ke RSUD Taman Sari

(Foto: Wuri Setyaningsih)

Grogol Petamburan Sub-district Satpol PP help transport medical oxygen cylinders to meet patients need of oxygen at Taman Sari Hospital (RSUD).

We hope this collaboration can help meet the availability of medical oxygen at RSUD Taman Sari

Grogol Petamburan Satpol PP Head, Ujang Baehaki conveyed, 27 empty oxygen cylinders were transported from RSUD Taman Sari to oxygen refill station at PT. Tirto Bumi, Jalan Pulo Lentut, Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate, East Jakarta.

"We start to transport it at 9 AM. After being filled, oxygen cylinders are brought back to RSUD Taman Sari in Jalan Madu No.10, Mangga Besar Urban Village," he explained, Thursday (8/5).

His side deployed 4 personnel and 1 operational vehicle in form of truck for transporting oxygen cylinders.

"We hope this collaboration can help meet the availability of medical oxygen at RSUD Taman Sari. We also hope patients to recover soon," he said.

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